Shruthi Vidhya Sundaram
Transform your soul's purpose into a dream business with
A 1:1 transformational guidance for coaches and healers to push past their fears, and bring their dream vision into a mission-driven, profitable business!
It’s time for you to shine!
Year after year, you’re procrastinating on leaping into the life of your dreams, all the while your soul keeps reminding you that you’re meant for much more. The friction of unfulfillment inside you has become so much that you’re finally ready to make a change.

Imagine a world where you’re not just dreaming of your future. You’re living it.🔓 A world where you don’t feel like you’re split into two, take massive leaps even if you’re scared, and playing small is something of the past.🔓 You’re confident in yourself, your energy and your business, embodying your future every single day!🔓 You’re working with soul-aligned clients and the energy in containers you run is off-the-charts!
Marketing doesn’t feel icky or salesy anymore because of complete alignment❤🔓 You feel this intense energy in your chest, showing that you’re on the right path for you!
Your journey towards living your soul’s purpose starts NOW…
Does any of these sound familiar to you?
You crave a life of alignment, where your intuition guides you, and your impact is undeniable. Yet, you rock a strategic side that crushes goals. The problem? These two worlds can’t coexist and they clash.
You’re an ambitious soul thriving in massive leaps but whispers of “not good enough” hold you back.
You see your powerful, future self, living the dream. But the gap between now and then feels vast.
You have this constant pressure to "get there ASAP" which fuels impatience and self-judgment.
And let's be honest, a pang of jealousy hits when you see others thriving in that very future you crave.
If any of these statements resonate with you, then you might be making these 3 common mistakes that prevent most people from achieving their goals and becoming their higher self…
3 Mistakes Holding You Back From Reaching Your Highest Potential
1. You haven't gotten clear on your soul's purpose yet.

2. You compare your past self to the future self

3. You try to control every damn thing

If you're repeatedly facing these struggles...Something fundamentally needs to change.Your business and your body can't keep taking these sinusoidal waves.Deep down you know you're meant for more. You push, fight and move forward…you succeed to a great level too…but then you're stuck again. The same problems. The same feelings. The same frustrations. The same vicious loop.It's time to break away from the cycle, my friend!
A 1:1 transformational guidance for coaches and healers to push past their fears, and bring their dream vision into a mission-driven, profitable business!
Imagine if this became your new reality
You’re stepping into your higher self and embodying it, and are completely in alignment with what fulfils you.
You 100% trust in yourself and the universe so unexpected challenges don’t throw you off anymore.
You process your sneaky fears when they show up, realign yourself and move ahead.
Marketing doesn't feel salesy/icky. You're taking all your strengths & energy and focusing it towards a mission you're passionate about.
You stand up fiercely for your clients because you're standing up for yourself.
You're so in tune with your intuition and it leads you to leaps and opportunities you never imagined! Once you trust yourself, the universe works its magic you see?
You complete your dream projects you've procrastinated on for months because of your fears! And it feels amazing! Bcoz your vision becomes bigger than your fear❤️
Most importantly you're finally running the business of your future self.
My work is pulling you back to your tune...
To your soul's innate intelligence
Here's what past clients have to say about their transformations
It ain't big enough if it doesn't scare the hell out of you.
Now, its time to create the life you know you deserve.
Your Investment

A Note on Pricing:The above prices genuinely reflect the time, resources, and energy I pour into each offering. If these prices are currently cost-prohibitive for you, please email me and we can discuss options including a sliding scale or flexible payment plans that may be more supportive for you at present.Additionally, I constantly have a specific number of scholarship spots open. Please email to know more, or DM me on LinkedIn
What to expect while working with me?
Heal your inner child & past self (somatic, chakra & reiki healing practices, and guided meditations), and unlock limiting beliefs and fears.
We'll pull out threads of what ignites you, and what your soul craves! Transform your vision onto paper, leading you to intense clarity & confidence.
Get clear on the soul clients you want on your boat and how you want to serve them in achieving their potential (pricing, packaging, niching down).
Create a business model you love by deeply understanding your strengths, lifestyle and energy. And create offers inside that inspire you.
We'll then work on filling your pipeline through Systems and actions that feel aligned with you, content that brings out your authentic true power, and marketing that doesn’t feel sleazy or salesy.
Create the best experience for your soul clients, set boundaries and work through your emotions when handling your client’s journey.
Your 2 worlds of (intuition, fluidity, flow, light, passion, & purpose) and (structure, discipline, strategy, money, & business) don’t need to contradict anymore. They can come together beautifully, in a way that feels ultimately right to your heart and soul!

If not now, when?
If not you, who?
We're living in times with amazing energy popping up all around the world.Many souls are waking up, grounding themselves towards stillness, and finding their inner voice.The passion to serve society,
and the community, the passion to spread the light is more than ever.We're deeply awakening to our inner voices and
finally letting our souls take control
and let the mind follow.Surrendering completely, and trusting in ourselves.It's high time you start peeling the layers of the onion
and release your inner light, don't you think?
Who is Soulfully Aligned Business Intensive for?
You've been feeling lost, stuck or going in circles in your current life, and want a quantum breakthrough.
You're an aspiring spiritual, heart-centered business owner or are already one, seeing a mega vision for your business
You're ready to put at least 4 to 5 hours of effort every week for your dreams
If you have an approximate idea of your vision. I don't expect you to be ultra clear. But you cannot be completely blank. I'll guide you through optimizing, not creating your purpose.
You're ready to hit the ground running and start getting closer to your dream goals
You're excited to take a massive leap and grow in bounds (even if the concept sounds scary)
You have no inkling of what you want to do & are starting from scratch.
For eg: you’ve NO idea of your vision or the business you wanna run, have done 0 groundwork and haven’t even started researching the possibilities.
You prefer to stay in the comfort of 9-5 and would rather procrastinate than start your business
(if you’re staying because of financial circumstances, it’s different. I expect you to have at least an approximate time of quitting)
You're unwilling to embrace change, step out of your comfort zone or be challenged.
You're looking for quick fixes. Lasting transformation takes patience, effort and time…it's not happening overnight.
How I found my purpose
Hey! I'm Shruthi, an intuitive business coach and a soul purpose guide.I've been where you are and I get it.I suppressed my core strengths of people, emotions and empathy for years...only to do Computer Science Engg and work as an SAP consultant for 4 years. Until today, I have no idea why I took that path even when I knew I loathed (I'm not exaggerating) the subject.I lost touch with who I was by completely numbing my emotional side because of childhood trauma. And I felt like a robot for almost a decade, even if everything looked perfect from the outside.COVID changed everything for me, as it did for most of you.It felt like the dam had finally burst. And I couldn't handle the suppressed emotions of decades pouring out.What came next was 2 years of panic attacks, overeating, burnouts, putting on 18kgs of weight, getting white hair at 24 and much more.Why? Because I took a long time to heal. Heal each of my inner children, give them the space to thrive, and work on my fears step by step, all while going closer towards my soul purpose.My depression was the best thing to happen to me...because it lit a fire in my ass to work on myself, find fulfilment and get the hell out towards my dream life.

Of course, it wasn't easy...because I coach hopped like crazy to "fix myself" since something was "wrong with me".It took me a further 1.5 years to understand that I was beautiful. I was good enough. I was worthy. And that I don't need to feel any shame for the things that had happened because my soul chose that path for a purpose.To love, despite everything. To love irrespective of everything.Parallely, I also worked on setting up my coaching and healing business. Guided 50+ coaches, healers and consultants to set up their soulfully aligned business, grew it to an extent to live comfortably out of my business income and went through my spiritual awakening.And that's when my soul's purpose opened up.To work with beautiful souls like you and help peel the layers of your onion. Layers which represented judgment, trauma, societal biases, limiting beliefs and more. And as you keep peeling the layers, your core shines brighter and brighter spreading the brilliant energy that always existed within you! And then you go on to help others do the same. Like the network effect!I still remember the day I realised this. I got goosebumps, and cried my heart out! It was amazing and divine.And that's when I understood. I have been subconsciously doing this for multiple coaches, healers and freelancers for 2 years since I started my coaching/healing business. In my containers, in messages in conversations. Then why not bring it to a full reality?So here's where I am, dear soul.Completely at your service, ready to invest in you, believe in your highest potential and guide you through it all...guiding you to make the highest level of difference in the world...only if you're ready to take the leap and do the work.Are you ready??
This is your moment to decide
Your soul has already made the decision, otherwise you wouldn't have read this far.You're here because you recognise something crucial: With every fiber of your being you know you're ready for lasting, transformational change.You don't want quick fixes anymore because you've got tired of them. Somewhere deep down, you know pure strategy only gets you so far.You're finally ready to jump into your future self.CONFIDENT. ALIGNED. IN PURPOSE. OVERFLOWING WITH AWE & GRATITUDE.Are you finally ready to become and embody your future self my friend?Because if not now, when?
If not you, who?
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